Saturday, January 31, 2009

Risk Assessment and the Yucca Mountain Geologic Repository

The Quantitative Risk Assessment model has been defined in Chapter 14 of the required reading as a four-stage process: Hazard identification; Exposure assessment; Toxicity assessment; and Risk characterization. What I found interesting was the application of the four-stages of quantitative risk assessment has been adopted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Researching further, I discovered that the EPA formalized their Human Health Risk Assessment beyond their planning and scoping process as: Hazard identification; Dose-Response assessment; Exposure assessment; and Risk characterization. Yet, the most interesting topic that I found in my initial research of the EPA and their process of risk assessment was the issue of Yucca Mountain, Nevada. This blog is simply an overview of the Yucca Mountain Geologic Repository.

Yucca Mountain is the proposed disposal facility for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste (EPA, 2005). The EPA has revised the radioactive waste standards for storage in their final rule as documented in 40 CFR Part 197 (EPA, 2008). The EPA revised the radioactive waste standards in regards to the risk assessment and approval process for construction of a disposal facility at Yucca Mountain.

Background information on radioactive waste brings to light the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. The amended Act of 1982 highlights the fact that high-level radioactive waste shall be disposed of in a deep geologic repository and that Yucca Mountain will be the candidate site as a potential underground repository. The final rule of 40 CFR Part 197, titled Public Health and Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada, states that even though Public Law 107-200 approved Yucca Mountain as a radioactive waste repository, the licensing approval has not been granted regarding the acceptability of the proposed Yucca Mountain site.

The Yucca Mountain Geologic Repository is a hot topic in the nation’s capitol as Nevada Senator Harry Reid fights over the proposal to store radioactive waste in his State. The following website provides detailed information on the issues of Yucca Mountain: . Most interesting of the information on this website is the recent discussion of the Yucca Mountain debate and the support Senator Reid has from President Obama. Especially, the announcement made by Senator Reid on Thursday January 29, 2009, to work on cutting $100 million from the budget of the Yucca Mountain project.
The risk assessment and pertinent data revolving around the Yucca Mountain Geologic Repository is a topic that I will continue to monitor and research. In growing concerns of finding alternative energy sources such as wind, solar and, more relevant, nuclear energy the risk assessment of Yucca Mountain as a radioactive waste repository will be extremely interesting to research throughout this course. Most importantly, the Nation’s economic concerns will have an impact on the construction of the Yucca Mountain repository. The Yucca Mountain project is a hot topic and three federal agencies are responsible for the approving data and assessment. The Environmental Protection Agency, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Department of Energy all have responsibilities to the Nation and its citizens, so the question remains: Will the Yucca Mountain Geologic Repository continue to be built?

References: EPA (2008) 40 CFR Part 197-Public Health and Environmental Radiation Protection Standards & EPA (2005) Agency Roles in the Approval, Monitoring and Operation of a Potential Yucca Mountain Repository may be found at:
Photo 1 downloaded from:
Photo 3 downloaded from:

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